Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Story A Day: Black Noise

I knew a man who always spoke in green. Not that he talked about recycling or saving the planet. His words just always were the color green. Bright and fresh, like new grass, his words were many but shallow.

My choir teacher sang in a rich, deep purple that coated the floors of our church in its brilliance. It was easy to believe in the majesty of the song when I could see it so clearly around me.

Ernie, my first love, whispered orange nothings into my ear. I should have known not to trust the color of autumn leaves. They trick you with their lovely coats, but they're quick to change and fall away.

Voices speak with every color; yellow lies and red hurts, pale blue promises and deep amber love. Peach greetings melt into gray goodbyes, each tint coloring the world they enter and painting it with rainbows of noise.

Notes: Yeah, I never could figure out what black meant. It seemed too simple to make it fear or anger or confusion and too Hallmark-y to make it a combination of all the feelings. So I ended up with this...which, if illustrated, would make an awesomely trippy commercial for HP printers. ;)

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