Which was why I was happy to find this story printed out and shoved in the back of a chemistry notebook. It's long, so I'm not going to post it all, but it has a different tone than a lot of what I write. It's a dark piece filled with hope. I don't know that it makes a lot of sense, but it certainly makes me feel. And after all, isn't that what good writing is all about?
Excerpt -
Not what I caused, mind you. I never cause wounds. I don’t hold the knife or the needle or the gun. I just whisper in the heads and in the hearts of those that do. A sibilant cheering section, a push to an edge that they were already nearing. Another told me once that we were just speeding up the process; that the children would destroy themselves with or without us. Lie or not, it makes my job easier.
It’s what I tell myself as I hear the blood slow to a trickle. Not my fault. Not my fault. If I pay attention, I can time the phrase to the whistling sound of their dying breaths. Not my fault.
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