Sunday, September 7, 2008


So many of my notebooks are filled with random things. Half forgotten story ideas, lists of rhyming words, doodled pictures and lines of pithy dialogue. I'm in a weird mood tonight so I thought I'd share some of my favorite random finds.

"You can't be her mother, you're an elephant!" - written down the side of a shopping list

"Dolores - Dorthea - Dorsey - Dogbreath " - name ideas for a story (I probably didn't choose the last one)

"Sorry Sport, I was thinking about soup." - Quote from Scrubs that I liked enough to write down.

"Man in red polo, dark jeans, sunglasses, logo has diamond shape, first letter 'P'" - no idea, could be a description of a character or someone who had just robbed me

"2,4,6,8 Who do we appreciate? PEOPLE WHO STOP READING OVER MY SHOULDER!" - I'm going to go out on a limb and say this one was written in class. There is a lovely stick-figure cheerleader doodled nearby. I like to commit.

"Baloney- It's not just for sandwiches anymore." - This is actually at the top of a otherwise blank page. I'm not really sure of the purpose behind this statement. Was I tired of the same old sandwiches? Was I contemplating the varied dishes I could make with the meat? Had I discovered an undiscovered alternative energy source? The world will never know.

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